Eve's Paintings & Prints

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Portals to Intimacy - All Lined Up for Inspection and Reflection

If I stood as a Queen
Looking upon you
To serve me
If I sat as a wife
Wanting to be
Part of your life
If I waited for your attention
As a dry plant waits for water
Would I freeze in enchantment
As your loyal follower
Hypnotized into believing
I was safe not the opposite
If I offered to help you in any way
To make myself feel valued
With reward never earned
As a role or a level
Never releases or offers escape
If I thought you were special
Because you noticed me
If I thought you were interesting
Wanting to know more
Until the truth of you
Made me bored
If I needed you to
Help me and sustain
If I wanted you to
Expand my brain
If I wanted you to
Join me on walks and talks
If I wanted you to air me out
Dust off the patterns and
Reboot without doubt
If I saw you as a vessel
Of beauty within
Would I want to be close to your
Genius and whim?
If you invited me to tune in
For a moment of One
To see with eyes shut
An expansive world
Of new acceptance and tranquility
Would I linger a while longer
To experience details?
Would I merely say thank you
Rather than be derailed
From my own free will
I might appear for a time
Or write you at random
Occasions sublime
If I inserted primal response
Intermittently in the first half of these
To make them more real
I would learn in the second half
Blending between the bounds of flesh
Holds it under the ceiling of
Three dimensional wonder
But what turns it out into the cosmic
Is learning the immortal exchanges
Are what makes it real and forever.

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