Eve's Paintings & Prints

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What is an Entity?

Entities* in all manner of circumstances
Are "individuals" who fit the description of the definition below.

Whether inside your aura, inside your mind, heckling within range or assisting through telepathy, they can be either beneficial or parasitic, chaotic or neutral in going about their business.

Within the Oneness of creation on Earth, there is a limited perception of the complete picture with which we are required to navigate.

I will state that at some level of any who would read this passage, there exists a calm, simple, and good creature who strives to survive and play each day with its circumstances as a game to attain, win, or stockpile what is needed for the next day and the next, as well as what is desired each day in the moment.

One who knows its true nature does not intend to sabotage the experience of the next in the due course of the day, yet others play the daily game more matter of fact like a profit and loss statement; looking to gain at any cost what is needed to maintain that one's scope of responsibility and hunger.

One learns and hears of defense, courage and toughing it out, but one does not learn what metaphysical tools are available in every moment to make each day cleaner and simpler.

Clean is an important component of a clarified reality in which one can focus on one's goals, talents and self-improvement.

To clean one's surroundings is as important as cleaning one's non-physical "field" of debris.  Deep cleaning on all levels of perception and even outside of perception is very important.

If one cannot maintain focus, it is because of some kind of clutter or distraction, and these distractions are in competition for your focus and energy.  It is a matter of managing resources as usual, but with the addition or prioritization of focus as key.

Recognizing what distracts, pollutes, and derails focus is something you can learn instantly.  To re-focus, simply stop and re-focus until you maintain course.  Time is another resource which is a factor here, and so designated important items need be arranged to one's natural ease.  (a time that is easier to focus on that specific thing).  Identify what destroys focus, and simply move it somewhere/sometime/someone else.  The others must agree, however.

When a person begins to excel at this, the feeling of value and energy will be felt, and so boundaries must exist for best performance in all areas without judgement from external "entities".

Metaphysical entities which occupy your "now" must be identified and eliminated as soon as you recognize a behavior/action/statement/word that is not you and is not what you are intending at the time.

The solution is another form of FOCUS.  Stop, focus on a trusted image or vibration which in your heart is true, and relax into the resonance with this vibration/idea/concept/guide.  THEN, with strong focus, demand that all entities which are not YOU leave your body, aura, room, home, yard, etc.  Start with the inner circle, and if you feel enough energy, then extend beyond yourself.  You may or may not have permission to cleanse for others in your shared space such as family and co-workers, but you can always clean what is YOU and your environment.

The final piece of this is important.  You must relax your entire body, spine and neck, decidedly releasing these entities.  It is a firm, focused end to the cleaning.  Ask your trusted vibration if it is complete, and you will know by the feeling you have.  This can be done as many times as needed without anyone being the wiser.  It is the clarification of focus and intention; sovereign rules of the game.  This repeated conscious act, tunes your balance so you can exist here and realize your chosen priorities.

If it is clumsy, mean-spirited, indecisive, manipulative, competitive, controlling or not essentially "good', then it is not you and must be eliminated.

-Eve is One
via Eve Featherstone

*An entity is something that exists as itself, as a subject or as an object, actually or potentially, concretely or abstractly, physically or not. It need not be of material existence. In particular, abstractions and legal fictions are usually regarded as entities. In general, there is also no presumption that an entity is animate, or present. (wikipedia.org)

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