Eve's Paintings & Prints

Monday, April 13, 2020

Channel, Andromedans, Infidelity, 12-5-11

Infidelity is not about indiscretion, it is about non-conformity in the midst of a set of rules or doctrines which are widely accepted. The widely accepted doctrines carve out templates/expectations of how couples should and shouldn't behave after declaring their bond as monogamous. It is not taught or thought by those of us here in the higher dimensions. We will not contrast our views against your own, for it would cause undesirable feelings, even if subtle, and cause you to cling even harder to your old doctrines and old ways of belief.

Instead, we will bathe you in love, admiration, and permission as magic dust, to solve all of your problems before they arise, and surpass your expectations before you are disappointed by them. It is our duty to you, at this time to hold your hands as you pass through a sometimes difficult portal of letting go of bonds which you think are vital for survival, when in fact they are merely gifts of love, and vehicles of quick transportation from one state to another state, in higher and whole vibration, admiration, love and an atmosphere of vitality and potent creative force for your imaginations.

This potent creative force when in romantic love, spans EVERY chakra. From the root chakra, all the way up past those chakras within the borders of your body. They extend past your own chakras and connection points which extend clear through your galaxy and beyond, each becoming a connection hub for other beings who live in light, love and highly potent creative energy.

It is by being in love that you may know and be comfortable in that which awaits you. It will be more expansive than your experience, but will feel the same, only not with one person, but you and your mate could tumble together through compatible vibrations, together as one, enjoying as much as the other, that which you encounter, and never fearing loss, for there isn't the possibility of loss when you are authentic and acting out of love and pure intention.

These concepts are lofty yes, but not out of reach, and we invite you to contemplate this existence when in the middle of the pinnacle moments of togetherness, trust and completeness which you may have as gifts from us here in the realm of your true home.

The Andromedans,
via EVE Featherstone

The action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or other sexual partner.
Unbelief in a particular religion.

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