Eve's Paintings & Prints

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Ask EVE - Photos and Nostalgia

Why do some photos of good memories make me feel good, and some photos of good memories make me feel grief?

The photos which produce good feelings are of things you are proud of, involve ego to some extent, or self-love.  Acceptance of the passage of time and acceptance for what you once were or are now provides a stable platform for viewing images from the past.  If beauty or love from this past is viewed with pride or appreciation in the present, it is a sign that this beauty or love was real and not an illusion.

Photos which involve pain when viewed remind you of the death of that version of yourself, or the death of a loved one.  Death of vitality or death of a juvenile love of something or someone.  Death of what was once a big project or endeavor, death of an illusion.  

An adult love of something or someone does not evoke pain when viewed. 

What can be done to alleviate pain evoked from an image?  

Bring yourself to the present and realize that the image does not represent the current state of what no longer exists in the photo.  For example, the person or animal lost may have lived more than one lifetime since, or is currently in another lifetime.  The place of the image from the past may no longer exist, be inhabited by several generations of renters/owners since, and to realize it has different meaning to others now and since, cleans up the errors in confronting this former timeline and restores the mind to reality.

Photos do not allow people/animals/situations to be erased and recycled/up-cycled.  They insist upon an irrational longing for an illusion.  Lives once transformed to the other side do not miss the Earth reality.  They forget it in an instant, but in a micro-instant, they deal with and surrender happily to their new-found state of non-corporeal consciousness because the memories do not exist and time does not exist.

I AM Eve is One


keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful regret.

a cause or occasion of keen distress or sorrow.

Juvenile -physiologically immature or undeveloped 

reflecting psychological or intellectual immaturity

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