Eve's Paintings & Prints

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Poem, Free of Weight, 11-22-11

Finances, files, and organization
bring on familiar but unwelcome takes on
what it can mean to be human and whole,
what it can mean to be charged a steep toll,
what it can mean to be pressured through life,
what it can mean to be angered with strife.

If you were freed from it what would you do?
Vanquish the voices and warnings inside,
vanquish the incidence of time and surprise
vanquish the blatent and frequent attacks
waged on yourself from inside born of lack.

Living instead in the Garden of Eden
tended to daily by ritual and seeded
with gratitude, patience, trust and true faith
leading you home to the soft and the quaint
never a beautiful moment to waste
holding the light in your heart free of weight.

--EVE Featherstone

Defeat thoroughly.

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